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Willowbrook summer camp provides a unique experience that allows children to engage in planned activities on their own timeline. To allow the unscheduled element of our program, we have created three specific, age appropriate areas for campers to explore arts and nature. 


The arts areas include visual, performing, literary and textile in a variety of disciplines.


We are now offering classes, day off camps and after school activities.  While this programming is new, it builds from our commitment to create hands-on, child centered arts education that promotes introspection. 

Squirrel's Nest

We offer a place for our youngest campers that is nestled in our Village area. This smaller creative space is fenced in, to assure it is just the right size for our Squirrels to have room to explore and choose activities without feeling overwhelmed. We offer half or full day options for a semi scheduled experience with lots of freetime built in. 


Squirrels also have opportunities to participate in our special evening performances alongside fellow Villagers and Artisans!

The Village

(Ages 5 - 7)

A mini version of our Artisan area, The Village is a magical place, filled with age appropriate arts and nature activities. - from dance and drama, to art, nature, music, pottery, puppetry, storytelling and more! Kids are encouraged to embrace their curiosity, explore new and fun interests, and discover their creative potential. Each child is assigned a ‘home tent’ and given ample free-choice time as well opportunities to participate in Willowbrook’s performances.


(Ages 8 - 18)

Picture the most imaginative and energetic arts festival… just for kids! Many of our campers can’t wait to become an Artisan, where their choices become even broader and more dynamic. The very open-structured environment of the Artisan area allows kids to take their self-discovery, interests, and skills to new levels. With more than 20 different artistic areas to explore, Artisan kids move freely throughout their day pursuing what interests them most, including opportunities to participate in Willowbrook’s performances.

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